Hi I'm Norm. This is the story of my friends

Friday, January 16, 2009

Could the day get any worse...

So this morning I woke up to Josh whispering in my ear that there was no hot water... and then he left. THEN.... he came back again with out his pants and socks on?????? and said we have a problem. So i got up and went to find towels, and water eveywhere in the kitcken and back laundry room.. A pipe had burst, Josh was able to get water off before it got to the rest of the house. Well, he cleaned up a bit and left for work. I had a 32 oz jug of water in fridge in which Elaine and I had watery oatmeal and cleaned up with after heating the rest. I was about to start to head out for my Check-up at the doc,and I also had to bring back my 24 urine. And the doc office called, The Doctor was at a delivery. I had to go anyway because I had to turn in the 24 urine, and I have a bad headache again, not feeling well. Then Josh calls to tell me that someone will be at the house in half hour. So he came home while i went to the doc. Of course my blood pressure was up, and so they drew some blood and paged the doctor. SHe of course wants me to come right into Land D. What the heck?? How do i do that with a kid at home, a broken pipe, and a frantic husband,not to metion myself. I simply and calmly said NO. I told the nurse that I have no intention of spending the weekend in hospital for one high blood pressure. I said for them to call me when my protien levels come back, and then i would come in if needed. Yes I have a headache, and dont feel well, but ive been like that all week. She said she would see what she could do. ( ill keep you posted on that whole thing)

So... I get home to two men inthe house the plumber and a contractor. Wet towels and rugs piled on the kitchen floor. Water is still off until the soddered pipe dries. We cannot use the laundry until minium Monday( I knew I should have done it yesterday) and the whole wall on other side of kitchen has to be torn out and a cleaning service is comming soon to set up a bunch of fans and a humidifer for the whole weekend, they will be back every day this weekend. We have to have a new wall, they are hoping not to have to tear out part of kitchen wall. So much for resting today... people will be in and out all afternoon. It will be into next week before everything is taken care of.

Im just praying that nothing eles happens today.. i dont know if i can handle it. my house is a mess, and i cannot clean it,there is sopping wet stuff on the floor, I dont feel good and just want to do nothing, and I feel terrible for Josh who has to deal with all this stuff too. Im finding it really hard to trust God or find an humor or good in this day.(other than the bright sun is out, its nice to see that) We have had nothing but problems with this house scince we moved it two months ago. We had pipes back up, toilets break open,and now this... in less than two months. Josh called our relator today to tell her what has happened and see what we can do. Im really trying to be brave and make it through the weekend.
sorry this is such a negative post, but i have no place eles to vent and i feel better now that i did. thanks to everyone for listening.


Unknown said...

Oh no! You poor thing! I think I would have taken the trip to L and D. I hope everything gets back in order soon. Wish you were still over here, I would come help...even if I haven't seen you in a million years :)

Unknown said...

It will get better, Sara. The laundry is into the second load and Josh had your house in pretty great shape by the time Dad and I got there last night. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon and we'll hold down the fort until they release you or you give birth.

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