Hi I'm Norm. This is the story of my friends

Friday, August 29, 2008


Josh and I had our First doctors appointment for the baby. The check-up went great!! Dr. was a little concerned that the due date may have been a little off. She tried to use the ultrasound monitor (its funny that a Dr. has no idea how to run the machine:) Josh and I were able to see the heart beating, we did not hear it yet. But just knowing that he/she is in there is such a blessing. Dr. Mc.D had me go later in the afternoon for a "real" ultra sound. IT was so amazing to see this little person no bigger than 2 inches swim around and move. I was able to see a much better view of him/her when the tech was doing it. The tech gave me my first picture. You can see the head and back , and the little but. GOD is so amazing. I came home and watched the babystory, and i cried through all three episods. So our due date is April 7,09 but ofcourse we will have a c-section so the baby will come the week before that. We are currently 8 1/2 weeks pregnant!!!!

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